Southern Ute Utilities Division


20” Water Main Rehabilitation Project

The Utilities Division recently completed the rehabilitation of the Tribe’s 20 inch concrete cylinder water line with a new 20 inch HDPE water line. This pipeline is the main feed of potable water to the community.

The new water line included 13,500 feet of 20” HDPE water pipe and 17 service connections. The new HDPE water line was installed inside the old waterline using the old pipeline as a conduit. The existing water service lines were re-connected to the new line with new meter assemblies and materials.

South Tank Control Valve Station Installation

The Southern Ute Utilities Division recently installed a new underground EFI vault on the 18inch ductile iron water main that brings treated water through the community. This station will help to regulate water quality between the north and south ends of the Tribe’s water distribution system.

Wastewater Plant Clarifier Dome

This year the Utilities Division installed a covered dome over one of the large clarifier assemblies at the Tribe’s Wastewater Treatment facility. This dome will help maintain optimal performance of the Wastewater Plant’s treatment process.